Saturday, November 21, 2020

"They have a Snow Troll!"

Not quite sure where I bought this Heresy Snow Troll, I might have got it from Bad Squiddo or directly at Salute. I bought it for Frostgrave

It sat around for a while, I based it on a Renedra circular 50mm base. It was pinned with 1mm plastic rod, and some Milliput was used to securely bed the feet in place.
The whole thing was undercoated with Citadel Corax White spray. The base was painted with Army Painter Black, dry brushed various lighter grey shades.

The mouth and eyes were painted with Citadel Mephiston Red, the teeth and claws with Army Painter Skeleton Bone. It was then washed with Citadel Nuln Oil
Originally bought for Frostgrave, I am thinking of using it, and maybe some more, for my Gnoll army for Oathmark.

This Human Infantryman is not looking forward to what happens next...