Monday, November 2, 2020

Oathmark Human Infantry and Spearmen

One of the few problems with the Oathmark Human Infantry is the lack of head options.

Anvil Industries do a range of heads with various items of head gear. They are generally more oriented towards the 40K Imperial Guard market, but some of them are usable with the more medieval style figures like the Oathmark Human Infantry.

The officer will have something to say, one of the soldiers is mixing with the spearmen.

The spearmen are using the Brodie Gladiator heads. The neck sockets in the bodies were opened out to take the necks moulded on the heads.
The soldiers use the basic Brodie Helmet heads.
There will be a small amount of filling required. The rank and file soldiers are armed with spiked maces - both from the Oathmark set and from the Frostgrave Soldiers set.