Colt is the oldest, has a bit of a temper and is armed with a revolver and a very sharp knife.
He also has a rucksack, useful for stashing supplies when they find them.
Smith is the youngest and more thoughtful, calming things down when his brother would just rush in. He too is armed with a revolver, another shop knife and a pump action shotgun.
In the thick of it, facing off against a herd of The Walking Dead: All Out War walkers.
In the Walking Dead: All Out War expansion "Days gone Bye" there are rules to build your own survivor, they are perfect for high powered characters. My first run through had them worth 80-90 points without equipment (for a reference Negan is 70 points). They will have to face a lot of walkers.
They have come to the assistance of Andrea.
While Amy hides behind them.
Crooked Dice's Heroic Cop wades in with his shotgun.