Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Elven Heavy Cavalry (Gripping Beast Goth Elite Cavalry)

 At Salute 2023, Renedra had an offer on Gripping Beast plastic box sets. On the Lead Adventures forum someone had used the Goth Elite Cavalry as Elven Cavalry with a suitable head transplant..

So a box was added to my load.

The box is of standard dimensions and contains four sprues, each sprue builds three cavalry figures.

Each sprue has seven heads, three shields, four lances, two swords (with optional two axes) and two standards (one of which is a Draco style one).

The head/body joint is a flat iron shaped neck on the body and a corresponding flat area on the underside of the head.

For elves, the helmeted heads from the Oathmark Elf light infantry was used. They have a ball joint, so a pilot hole was drilled into the neck part of the body, and that was opened up with larger diameter drills until a 3mm drill made the correct size for the head.

The horse had a feather from the same sprue added to the head with the feather projecting back between the ears. I did contemplate making them unicorns, but they were not bulky enough.