Saturday, January 9, 2021

Zona Alfa Zombies

 One of the Zone Hostiles encountered are "Zombies", it is not clear if they are flesh (or brain) eating corpses or deranged survivors transformed by The Event.

Vladimir chooses the wrong moment to change magazines while investigating a dacha.

Not sure what happened to Vladimir, but they are coming this way!

Studio Miniatures released a box set of plastic multi-part, multi-pose zombies  a number of years ago. There are sprue shots and a review here

I found one of the sprues (I had used one of the figures) so built three of them for Zona Alfa. Unlike previous builds, I left them on their integral bases and blended it onto a Renedra 25mm diameter base with Milliput.
Here are the three of them.

Now to build a lot more (though this Corporation Exploration Team will not be happy).