Many years ago I started buying plastic kits from the anime series Super Dimension Fortress Macross. That was the start of a fascination with Mecha (my fascination with anime started with Marine Boy).
There are some examples elsewhere on the blog.
When FASA released Battledroids in 1984, with the distinctive image of a Destroid Tomahawk, it was a must buy.
I kept an interest in the game (rebranded as Battletech in 1985), buying a number of expansions over the years.
In recent years, the mechs have been released as pre-assembled resin models.
At Warfare 2023, I bought the Battlesuit Alpha game from Wiley Games, but did not have any suitable models (over the years the previous models have disappeared under the lead mountain range).
While in Orc's Nest in London I noticed the Battletech Urbanmech Lance. Now when they were initially released, Urbanmechs were a bit of a joke.
The box contains four different varieties of Urbanmech, and I thought they would make a good set of mechs to try Battlesuit Alpha.
The four mechs.