Tuesday, December 31, 2024

When DEEP SEVEN come

 Many and varied are the horrors that lurk in the shadows.

These diminutive creepy crawlies pack a mighty punch, and these are just hatchlings.
These are Crooked Dice Cthonic Hatchlings.
The figures were glued to Renedra 25mm diameter bases. Once Woodland Scenics' cinder fine ballast had been glued to the base it was undercoated with Citadel Chaos Black spray.
Vallejo Flat Earth was used for the base.
The body was painted with Vallejo Grey Blue.
The head is Army Painter Oozing Purple.
The eyes were first painted with Army Painter Stone Golem, followed by Citadel Mephiston Red.
The beak is Citadel Morghast Bone.
The whole thing was shaded with Citadel Drakenhof Nightshade.
Finally it was drybrushed with Citadel Terminatus Stone.

Three done, seven to go.