Monday, February 5, 2024

Crooked Dice Small Piles of Skulls

 Crooked Dice have released various sets of skull piles, cast in resin.

These are the Small Skull Piles. They are about 20mm in diameter and these ones have been based on Renedra 30mm circular bases.

The area between the edge of the pile and the edge of the base was coated with PVA and Woodland Scenics Fine Cinder ballast applied.

They were sprayed with Citadel Corax White.
The outside of the bases were painted with Humbrol 29 Dark Earth. Any splashes were then covered with Humbrol 34 White.
A Citadel Agrax Earthshade wash was followed by a Citadel Nuln Oil wash (the former was concentrated in the gaps, the latter overall).
Once dry, they were dry brushed with Citadel Tyrant Bone followed by Citadel Terminatus Stone.

They will be used as various markers.