Monday, November 6, 2023

Crooked Dice "Cunning Man" for A War Transformed

 One of the options to command His Majesty's forces in A War Transformed is The Cunning Man.

Who is the person that would spring to mind?

Crooked Dice have pack of Heroes (Heroes 9) with a suitable figure for a war weary Cunning Man.

The figure is supplied with a tab for a slotta base, so this was cut off and filed flat. A hole was drilled in one boot and the figure was pinned to a Renedra 25mm base.
Base coated with Citadel Chaos black.
The trousers were painted with Citadel Steel Legion Drab.
The jacket and spats were painted with Army Painter Leather Brown. The boots themselves were painted with Citadel Dryad Bark.
The waistcoat was Citadel Death Korp Drab and the scarf Citadel Mephiston Red.
The jacket, trousers and spats were highlighted with their respective colours lightened with Army Painter Stone Golem.
Army Painter Stone Golem was used for the buttons on the spats, waistcoat and the photonic spanner.
The business end of the spanner had Citadel Warpstone Glow applied.
The hair was also Army Painter Stone Golem.
The belt and cross belt was Citadel Mournfang Brown.
The brown bits had Citadel Agrax Earthshade applied. The spanner and the hair had a Citadel Nuln Oil was added. The mouth had to be cleared of the wash.
Citadel Reikland Fleshshade wasapplied to the skin (base coated with Citadel Bugman's Glow and highlighted with Citadel Kislev Flesh).
Here is the Cunning Man and two infantry.

Now this is not the last Cunning Man to grace this army, as there is another figure in the pack that might (re)visit The Great War (monocle or not).

Also, though they may not have received the vote, there is no reason the Cunning Man post cannot be filled by a woman with a family history of service in the armed services. That might lead to an interesting selection for a witch figure as well.