Saturday, December 31, 2022

Stone Axe Miniatures (Irongate Scenery) Woolly Rhinos painted

 These resin figures were bought at SELWG 2022 at the Irongate Scenery stand.

I thought they would make great Indrik for Oathmark.

Rocks were added using Milliput over a plastic rod anchor.
The bases then covered with a mixture of Woodland Scenics fine Cinder Ballast and some generic granite ballast. 
The whole thing was undercoated with Citadel Corax White spray. The bases were painted with Vallejo Black (slightly thinned).
The horns and toenails were painted with Army Painter Skeleton Bone. The root of the horns and the eyes were painted with Army Painter Oak Brown. A mixture of Skeleton Bone and Oak Brown was used to shade the horns and blend in the horn root. The inner ears, the nostrils and the lips were painted with a mix of Army painter Barbarian Flesh and Oak Brown.
The horns were then dry brushed with Citadel Terminatus Stone.

The underside, the feet and around the tail were shaded with Citadel Agrax Earthshade, as was the horns and the lips. The body was shaded with Citadel Nuln Oil shade.
Gamers Grass 5mm Winter Tufts were placed after the base had been dry brushed with Citadel Terminatus Stone.

Group shot.

Comparison with an Oathmark Human Infantry figure.