Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Corporation Exploration Team in Zona Alfa

The Artefacts found in the Zone are much sought after by various interests. Though Scientists may be in the employ of Corporations, they have to deal with the local teams of negotiable loyalty. Though this provides a degree of deniability, there are questions about their reliability.

Some Corporations have started training forces and sending them into the zone. Though most lack the experience of locally recruited teams, they are loyal to their Corporate Masters and any Artefacts found should be returned for analysis.

To ensure their dependence, they are recruited and trained far away, and supplied with plentiful, but not available locally equipment.

A standard Corporation Exploration Team comprises a Squad Leader, a Hardened Second in Command (often with a Grenade Launcher or LMG) and  five riflemen.
Built using Empress Ultramodern US Marines and US Marine Gasmask heads.

Squad Leader with M16A4.

I might need to straighten that gun.

Second in Command with M16A4 with M203 UGL.

Rifleman with M16A4

Rifleman with M16A4

Rifleman with M16A4

Rifleman with M16A4

Rifleman with M16A4

A half squad deploy from their transport before venturing deeper into The Zone.
Taking cover behind their HMMWV
The other half squad deploy.
The full squad