Thursday, February 14, 2019

Qualified Firearms Officer - PLAN RED REIVER

Blueland's Territorial Police forces traditionally are unarmed. Members of the police forces may be trained and undergo qualification to carry and use firearms under certain circumstances. These are referred to as Qualified Fireams Officers (QFO).

The invasion by Redland has meant that armed officers are required to support the evacuation of civilians from the front line and assist the movement of defensive forces.

Though PLAN RED REIVER specifically states that QFOs are not to be committed to the defence line, they have been in combat with the "Little Grey Men" at the beginning of the invasion and behind the lines.

This QFO has been issued with a ballistic vest and a service pistol.

Crooked Dice X-Commando with a Crooked Dice Custodian helmet head.

Taking cover behind a Crooked Dice Transit van.