Well, I have been invited to contribute to "It's 500 Miles to the German Border!", a Twilight 2000 themed blog.
Though I previously gamed in 20mm and 6mm, (I have a model of an M1E2 Giraffe tank in 20mm), my current interest is in 28mm.
Random modelling pictures and comments from someone who has more interests than time...
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Here's Negan! - Anyone Home?
This is the second scenario in the game, played with all six survivors.

Having thought through the relative abilities of the characters, the starting positions were chosen (note, slightly different to the ones in the set up photograph).

The Lurker was revealed to be a White die of Walkers, but Dwight’s luck held out the player rolled a blank.
Laura was next, she can perform the same Action twice. She Walked through the door and continued to the first door in the corridor. Opening the door revealed a Blue and a Red dice of Walkers and two supply tokens. Rolling the dice revealed three Walkers
Deciding discretion was the better part of valour, she continued to the next door and opened it. Another Supply token and a White die of Walkers. Rolling the die revealed two Walkers. Laura is not going to have a good time.
John, Tara and Sherry move forward.

Walkers roll four Red dice, Laura rolls her defence of one. Walker score three, Laura scores two and loses one point of Stamina.
Next to act is Laura. She decides it is time for some Rock and Roll. She shoots and knocks prone the first Walker but manages a Headshot on the second. Having caused Noise twice the Threat level goes up. She still has a Walker next to her. The noise causes Walkers to enter the room near Dwight (the first lot is a Blue die worth – a roll of two, the second is a blank. Dwight still has two hungry Walkers to face.
Dwight acts next. He shoots at the nearest Walker, hitting but not damaging it. He decides a tactical retreat is in order and moves back to the group.
Sherry and Tara move forward.
Let us start with Laura.
She is facing a Walker, so the Walker attacks. There is only one Walker now and it gets a one. Laura’s defence roll is nothing so she loses another point of Stamina.
John dispatches the Prone Walker in front of him and moves forward.
Laura also dispatches the Walker in front of her, then moves to the back of the room, leaving John to deal with the rest,
Sherry moves forward and tries to Hold Her Nerve. She does, gaining one Reputation and lowering the Threat by one.
Inspired by Sherry’s efforts, Tara does the same with identical rewards.
The Walkers move.
Laura fends off the walker next to her.
John is not so lucky, losing four Stamina and being Bitten.

Laura decides that this is the time for some knife work and attacks the adjacent Walker. She fails to damage it. Because she can, she has another go and manages to knock it prone.
John can only move forward, with a simmering Negan behind him. He attacks the Walker. He does not make a Headshot, but his Bruiser Characteristic means that as he has rolled more than double the Walker’s roll, the Walker is destroyed. He then moves into the room withLaura and the Walker.
Dwight moves back from the door for a clearer shot, this time knocking one of them prone.
Tara moves back to support Dwight. She fails to Hold Her Nerve.
Sherry does Hold Her Nerve, gaining more Repuation and reducing the Threat Level.
The Walkers move.
Tara fends off the Walker threatening her, and retaliates knocking it Prone.
John also fends off his attacker.
Laura bucks the trend, losing another point of Stamina.
Negan loses one point of Stamina and everyone loses one point of Reputation.
Here’s Negan phase
Negan loses his rag, big time.

Three Walkers feel his wrath, as does John and Sherry. No one has any Reputation left.
John destroys his opponent, but fails to Hold His Nerve.
Tara dispatches the Prone Walker in front of her, and also fails to Hold Her Nerve.
Dwight moves into a better firing position and knocks another Walker down.
Sherry tries and fails to Hold Her Nerve.
John tries to patch himself up and moves away from the door.
Tara moves back to dispatch the Prone Walker.
Dwight shoots and knocks another Walker over.
Sherry moves forward and Shoots, knocking the Walker Prone.
Negan destroys the Walker attacking him and any lingering Reputation of the Survivors.
Dwight rushes into the room and attempts to Secure it. Unfortunately he fails.
John finds an Angle Grinder and tries to patch himself up.
Laura does manage to Secure the room.
Tara dispatches another Prone Walker and then follows the rest of the party.
More Walkers appear.

Having thought through the relative abilities of the characters, the starting positions were chosen (note, slightly different to the ones in the set up photograph).

Turn One
Survivor phase
Dwight moved first. He is stealthy and fast. He Ran to see what was lurking round the corner. Running may cause Noise so the player rolled the black die – luckily no Noise.The Lurker was revealed to be a White die of Walkers, but Dwight’s luck held out the player rolled a blank.
Laura was next, she can perform the same Action twice. She Walked through the door and continued to the first door in the corridor. Opening the door revealed a Blue and a Red dice of Walkers and two supply tokens. Rolling the dice revealed three Walkers
Deciding discretion was the better part of valour, she continued to the next door and opened it. Another Supply token and a White die of Walkers. Rolling the die revealed two Walkers. Laura is not going to have a good time.
John, Tara and Sherry move forward.
Walker phase.
Draw Event card, move Walkers. Laura has to fend off four Walkers.
Walkers roll four Red dice, Laura rolls her defence of one. Walker score three, Laura scores two and loses one point of Stamina.
Here’s Negan phase
Negan moves two spaces and messes with Sherry. He is so impressed with how she handles the loss of two Stamina that she gains one point of Reputation.End phase
The Threat level goes up.Turn two
Survivor phase
John moves first into contact with one of the Walkers threatening Laura. He attacks with two White dice. He rolls two hits, but the Walker also rolls two. John’s Bruiser characteristic means he still knocks the Walker Prone.Next to act is Laura. She decides it is time for some Rock and Roll. She shoots and knocks prone the first Walker but manages a Headshot on the second. Having caused Noise twice the Threat level goes up. She still has a Walker next to her. The noise causes Walkers to enter the room near Dwight (the first lot is a Blue die worth – a roll of two, the second is a blank. Dwight still has two hungry Walkers to face.
Dwight acts next. He shoots at the nearest Walker, hitting but not damaging it. He decides a tactical retreat is in order and moves back to the group.
Sherry and Tara move forward.
Walker phase
The survivors noisy antics have roused some Roamers. Another Walker appears in the room with Laura, and Negan can see one that has entered the starting room.Let us start with Laura.
She is facing a Walker, so the Walker attacks. There is only one Walker now and it gets a one. Laura’s defence roll is nothing so she loses another point of Stamina.
Here’s Negan Phase
Negan moves forward two spaces, and Lucille protects the other survivors by removing one of the Walkers and reducing the Threat Level.End phase.
Threat Level goes up, but the two Prone Walkers remain Prone.Turn three.
Survivor Phase
Dwight moves towards the rest of the group. He shoots his Crossbow across the barricade at the approaching Walkers, but misses.John dispatches the Prone Walker in front of him and moves forward.
Laura also dispatches the Walker in front of her, then moves to the back of the room, leaving John to deal with the rest,
Sherry moves forward and tries to Hold Her Nerve. She does, gaining one Reputation and lowering the Threat by one.
Inspired by Sherry’s efforts, Tara does the same with identical rewards.
Walker phase
Breakout: the small room near Dwight opens and there are Walkers inside.The Walkers move.
Laura fends off the walker next to her.
John is not so lucky, losing four Stamina and being Bitten.
Here’s Negan phase
Negan moves up behind John and whispers “Are You Scared?” If John had any reputation, it had gone.End phase
Threat goes up.Turn four
Survivor phase
There is a bit of a bottleneck.
Laura decides that this is the time for some knife work and attacks the adjacent Walker. She fails to damage it. Because she can, she has another go and manages to knock it prone.
John can only move forward, with a simmering Negan behind him. He attacks the Walker. He does not make a Headshot, but his Bruiser Characteristic means that as he has rolled more than double the Walker’s roll, the Walker is destroyed. He then moves into the room withLaura and the Walker.
Dwight moves back from the door for a clearer shot, this time knocking one of them prone.
Tara moves back to support Dwight. She fails to Hold Her Nerve.
Sherry does Hold Her Nerve, gaining more Repuation and reducing the Threat Level.
Walker phase
More Roamers are roused.The Walkers move.
Tara fends off the Walker threatening her, and retaliates knocking it Prone.
John also fends off his attacker.
Laura bucks the trend, losing another point of Stamina.
Negan loses one point of Stamina and everyone loses one point of Reputation.
Here’s Negan phase
Negan loses his rag, big time.

Three Walkers feel his wrath, as does John and Sherry. No one has any Reputation left.
End phase.
Threat goes up.Turn five
Survivor phase.
Laura downs her Walker after two tries.John destroys his opponent, but fails to Hold His Nerve.
Tara dispatches the Prone Walker in front of her, and also fails to Hold Her Nerve.
Dwight moves into a better firing position and knocks another Walker down.
Sherry tries and fails to Hold Her Nerve.
Walker phase
Laura panics and unleashes a hail of fire at the prone Walker, causing Noise.Here’s Negan phase
Negan pushes on, leaving the other survivors Reputation in tatters.End Phase
Threat increases.Turn six
Survivor phase
Laura dispatches the Prone Walker. She then attempts to Secure the room. Assisted by John, it is Secured.John tries to patch himself up and moves away from the door.
Tara moves back to dispatch the Prone Walker.
Dwight shoots and knocks another Walker over.
Sherry moves forward and Shoots, knocking the Walker Prone.
Walker phase
More Walkers enter play.Negan destroys the Walker attacking him and any lingering Reputation of the Survivors.
Here’s Negan phase
Negan bullies Sherry into Securing a room and pushes on.End phase
Threat goes up.Turn seven
Survivor phase
Sherry dispatches the prone Walker she shot in the previous turn and moves into the room.Dwight rushes into the room and attempts to Secure it. Unfortunately he fails.
John finds an Angle Grinder and tries to patch himself up.
Laura does manage to Secure the room.
Tara dispatches another Prone Walker and then follows the rest of the party.
Walker phase
More Roamers.More Walkers appear.
Here’s Negan phase
Negan presses onEnd phase
The Threat goes up again.Thursday, November 22, 2018
Under Fire Miniatures Cold War Bundeswehr Infantry - first four figures
This is the first set of Under Fire Cold War Bundeswehr figures completed.
These are four Bundeswehr troops armed with G3 rifles.
The figures were undercoated black with Citadel Chaos Black followed by PSC German Field Grey.
The webbing and packs are Vallejo USA Olive Drab.
The figures were dry brushed with Citadel Dry Nurgling Green.
The figures were then shaded with Citadel Athonian Camoshade (it came out a bit shiny so I used some Humbrol 49 acrylic varnish).
The figures were undercoated black with Citadel Chaos Black followed by PSC German Field Grey.
The webbing and packs are Vallejo USA Olive Drab.
The figures were dry brushed with Citadel Dry Nurgling Green.
The figures were then shaded with Citadel Athonian Camoshade (it came out a bit shiny so I used some Humbrol 49 acrylic varnish).
Guild Riotbreaker - Malifaux
The Guild Riotbreaker Construct is usually deployed (as its name suggests) to deal with riots. Its large shield and riot breaker gun allow it to deal with large groups of enemies of the Guild.
Though a Union poster child for Guild brutality, it is being deployed with other units to try and rescue its reputation.
Though a Union poster child for Guild brutality, it is being deployed with other units to try and rescue its reputation.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Loyd Carrier
Loyd Carrier in the Land Warfare hall at Duxford.
Loyd Carrier based post War Self Propelled Gun at the Brussels museum
Loyd Carrier based post War Self Propelled Gun at the Brussels museum
Brussels Museum,
Loyd Carrier,
Post War,
Sunday, November 11, 2018
German Telephone Box - the model
As mentioned in the previous post, I had been looking at using a Blotz Phone Box #1 as a West German telephone box. You need to download the instructions from the Blotz site, but as you can see, the model is very simple.
I initially assembled it with the roof, interior and door separate. I undercoated it with Halfords Grey Spray Primer. The plan was then to underoat the main body, roof and door with white spray followed by a yellow spray. Unfortunately I had run out of white, and the two cans of yellow had dumped their gas over the years since I bought them. So it was out with the brush.
The box from the previous post was identified as a TelH78 box. It has a rounded roof and round cornered windows. The roof piece was glued in place (having checked I could get the interior in and out) and sanded to shape. In the photograph they look rather rough, I might have a go at sanding them again. When I have another go at one of these, I will use Milliput to get a better curve.
There was nothing I could do to change the window shape, though I might ask Blotz if they want to do Telephone Boxes of the World.
A couple of Soviet Troops (Underfire with Empress head and an Empress Chechen Russian) for scale with a Sarissa Small Terraced House.
A simple piece of street furniture that gives a time and place (okay early 'eighties Germany onward).
I initially assembled it with the roof, interior and door separate. I undercoated it with Halfords Grey Spray Primer. The plan was then to underoat the main body, roof and door with white spray followed by a yellow spray. Unfortunately I had run out of white, and the two cans of yellow had dumped their gas over the years since I bought them. So it was out with the brush.
The box from the previous post was identified as a TelH78 box. It has a rounded roof and round cornered windows. The roof piece was glued in place (having checked I could get the interior in and out) and sanded to shape. In the photograph they look rather rough, I might have a go at sanding them again. When I have another go at one of these, I will use Milliput to get a better curve.
There was nothing I could do to change the window shape, though I might ask Blotz if they want to do Telephone Boxes of the World.
A couple of Soviet Troops (Underfire with Empress head and an Empress Chechen Russian) for scale with a Sarissa Small Terraced House.
A simple piece of street furniture that gives a time and place (okay early 'eighties Germany onward).
Saturday, November 10, 2018
German Telephone Box
I bought a Blotz Phone Box #1 at Colours and I am in the process of building it as a Deutche Telekom box.
Here is an example box, but I am not completely sure of its age.
I am in the process of smoothing off the corners.
Here is an example box, but I am not completely sure of its age.
I am in the process of smoothing off the corners.
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