Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Hammer's Slammers Blower

 David Drake's Hammer's Slammers series of military SF involves the actions of a high tech mercenary organisation. The stories are derived from Drake's Vietnam experiences as an Enlisted Interrogator in the US 11th Armoured Cavalry Regiment.

Equipped with hover tanks (Panzers) and hover combat cars (blowers) reflecting the 11th Armoured Cavalry's M48 tanks and M113 ACAV.

The hulls are cast from Iridium, which is both extremely hard and has a high melting point. The latter is important on the battlefield as the weapon of choice is the Power Gun, an energy weapon that evaporates steel. The Power Gun is a line of sight weapon, so satellites and aircraft do not survive the start of hostilities.
The combat car is equipped with three pintle mounted 2cm calibre tri-barrelled powerguns.
The crew area is open to allow clear lines of sight (aided by the blowers sophisticated sensor suite).
Overhead protection is limited a mesh that prevents grenades being thrown into the crew area.
It is also convenient for stowage.