Previously I started to build a Warband for the first edition Frostgrave.
And now Osprey Games has released the second edition.
The original warband was as follows:
- The Wizard (staff)
- Apprentice (hand weapon)
- Man at Arms (leather armour, hand weapon and shield)
- Archer (leather armour, bow, dagger)
- Archer (leather armour, bow, dagger)
- Thug (hand weapon)
- Thug (hand weapon)
- Thug (hand weapon)
- Thief (dagger)
- Thief (dagger)
Though this is still a valid war band, there has been a slight change in costs, thugs and thieves are now free, but you have less gold coins at the beginning.
The revised second edition war band comprises:
- The Wizard (staff)
- Apprentice (hand weapon)
- Man at Arms (Light armour, hand weapon and shield)
- Man at Arms (Light armour, hand weapon and shield)
- Archer (Light armour,, bow, dagger)
- Archer (Light armour,, bow, dagger)
- Thug (hand weapon)
- Thug (hand weapon)
- Thief (dagger)
- Thief (dagger)