Sunday, November 29, 2020

Oathmark Skeleton Infantry

Osprey Games have recently released the Oathbreakers supplement and North Star have released the Skeleton Infantry as a multi-part multi-pose plastic kit.

The Box is the standard Oathmark box with six identical sprues plus thirty 25mm x 25mm square bases.

Each sprue builds five skeletons. Each skeleton can be armed with hand weapons (three with swords, two with axes and one left hand sword), spears or bows. There are eleven different heads 
The shields and armour are of a Bronze Age style showing their age.
The figures are very fine, two of the heads have open jaws showing empty space.
The figures go together easily. The shoulder joints are delicate and the arrangement does need careful assembly, a couple of the shoulder sockets only work with certain arms. I applied Tamiya Thin liquid cement to soften the plastic before applying it again. Once the joint was set, I applied some additional liquid cement. The weapon arm does look a bit delicate, painting needed careful bracing of the weapon.

The shields are intended to be bronze. The shields were undercoated with Citadel Abaddon Black applied by brush. The front of the shield was then painted with a mix of Humbrol 30 Dark Green and Citadel Abandon Black.
 There was a very interesting paint recipe by Nicholas P on Lead Adventure Forum. As I did not have any of the required colours or the Acrylic Medium in dropper bottles, I made do with what I had. I used a medium brush to deposit a quantity of Citadel Lahmian Medium onto the palette. I then added a large brushload of Humbrol 34 White and Humbrol 30 Dark Green. This meant that it stayed liquid for longer and behaved a bit like a wash.
They were then dry brushed with Citadel Nurgling Green. A Wash of Citadel Drakenhof Nightshade was followed by a second dry brush with Nurgling Green.

The figures (without shields) were undercoated with Citadel Chaos Black spray followed by Army painter Skeleton Bone. 
All armour and weapons were painted with Citadel Abandon Black, The axe handle was painted with Citadel  Dryad Bark. Straps and belts were painted with Citadel Steel Legion Drab. Cloth straps and the skeleton's teeth were painted with Army Painter Stone Golem. 

The base was painted with Citadel Abandon Black.  

The weapons were painted with a mix of Citadel Abandon Black and Humbrol Dark Green. They were then dry brushed with Citadel Nurgling Green. 

Everything was dry brushed with Citadel Terminatus Stone.

A final wash of Citadel Agrax Earthshade showed off the detail.
The shields were clipped off the sprue and the damage caused by the clipping tidied up. The shields were glued to the figures hand with superglue.

Ten down, another thirty to go just for a mini army.