Undercoated with Citadel Chaos Black followed by Citadel Snot Womble Green.
Headdress and skirt is Citadel Death World Forest shaded with MIG Black Green. The strapping and belt is also MIG Black Green.
The mask, shoes, armour and forearm guards are Citadel Dryad Bark, followed by Citadel Catachan Flesh with a highlight of Mournfang Brown.
Eyes and mouth are Citadel Mephiston Red, teeth and fang necklace are Citadel Morghast Bone.
The box contains five sprues. two command sprues and three standard sprues.
Standard Sprue
Command Sprue.
The supplied bases are a little odd, blind, shallower than Games Workshop type and with a mounting point for a magnet. I have standardised on Renedra round bases so they have been set aside.
The starter scenario pits your intrepid adventurers against five opponents, five with sword and shield, one with a bow, so the initial build was five figures.
Here is one of them with a North Star Frostgrave Soldier and a Fireforge Almughavar.
They are all undercoated with Citadel Snotwomble Green, thogh there is a temptaion to paint some with a yellow skin tone (and a banana fascination).