Sunday, January 19, 2025

Forest Goblin

Way back in 2022 I bought Five Leagues From The Borderlands, a solo or cooperative wargaming campaign system.
One of the foe types are the Fae, and the lowest form are the goblins.
As the Oathmark Goblins in general (and how I imagine them) does not match up with how they are described in Five Leagues, I looked around for some suitable figures.

Though I have had very bad experiences with Shieldwolf figures, I decided I would give them one more chance.
 This is the first painted one.

Undercoated with Citadel Chaos Black followed by Citadel Snot Womble Green.

Headdress and skirt is Citadel Death World Forest shaded with MIG Black Green. The strapping and belt is also MIG Black Green.

The mask, shoes, armour and forearm guards are Citadel Dryad Bark, followed by Citadel Catachan Flesh with a highlight of Mournfang Brown.

Eyes and mouth are Citadel Mephiston Red, teeth and fang necklace are Citadel Morghast Bone. 

The box contains five sprues. two command sprues and three standard sprues.

Standard Sprue

Command Sprue.

The supplied bases are a little odd, blind, shallower than Games Workshop type and with a mounting point for a magnet. I have standardised on Renedra round bases so they have been set aside.
The starter scenario pits your intrepid adventurers against five opponents, five with sword and shield, one with a bow, so the initial build was five figures.
Here is one of them with a North Star Frostgrave Soldier and a Fireforge Almughavar.
They are all undercoated with Citadel Snotwomble Green, thogh there is a temptaion to paint some with a yellow skin tone (and a banana fascination).

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Quar: Crusader Officer

 At Salute I bought the six blister packs of resin Quar figures. This included the Crusader Officers.

He is armed with a Grifkis double barrelled shotgun and a hand axe.

The figure was undercoated with Citadel Chaos Black, followed by Citadel SnotWomble Green.
The skin was painted with Citadel Averland Sunset.

The Grifkis shotgun and the helmet are Vallejo Black Grey, as is the belt buckle, first coat on the buttons, the canister and the webbing fittings.

The trousers are Citadel Steel Legion Drab as are the pouches.

The boots are Citadel Dryad Bark.

The wood stock on the shotgun and the handle of the axe are Citadel Catachan Flesh.

The shotgun cartridge bodies are Citadel Mechrite Red and the bases, buttons and the Crusader "Flying Squirrel" logo are Army Painter Stone Golem.
The belt and helmet strap is Citadel Mornfang Brown.