Saturday, April 20, 2024

Salute 2024

 Once again Salute was at London's Excel centre.

Getting in was as well organised as ever, an adjacent exhibition unit was set aside for the queue, with the unit opening at 0900 for the show starting at 1000.

I got in the queue at about 0948, and was in the show at about 1010.

My plan was to go straight to the Sarissa Precision stand to buy the recently released plastic box sets and thermoplastic figures of Quar. On the way i saw the demonstration game from the Titan Owners club - 28mm scale Adeptus Titanicus!

I did get slightly distracted by the Pendraken stand, where I bought some of their 10mm scale Modern figures and vehicles. The new Chieftains look good.

There was a demonstration game of This Quar's War on the stand and a big stack of the new Coftyran and Crusader plastics, together with two blister packs of the thermoplastic figures. There was some concern that the two people asking about them would have to fight over them, but it turns out there was a display stand of them elsewhere.
I picked up the Crusader officers, H11a LMG and Spagen packs and the Coftyran officers, trench raiders and RCO howitzer.
There was a vey big castle board on display.

It was a very good day, and there will be more posts about things later.