Thursday, February 14, 2019

Rubicon M4 - part three

There is a photograph of a 144th RAC Sherman with a a road wheel attached to the turret, so one of the spare ones was cemented to some 1.6mm plastic rod.

A length of 1mm rod was passed through holes drilled in the sides of the mudguards. This will be to hold stowage on the glacis.
Two holes were drilled in the hull, one on the glacis, the other on the rear deck. 0.4mm brass wire was passed through the holes and secured with superglue and two pairs of square section plastic rod cut into cubes.
Rubicon cable ends from the stowage set was glued over the wire where it went into the hull.
A piece of square section rod had been drilled and passed onto the wire to fix the cable at the front.
The cable was then superglued into the two cable grips on the hull.